Sunday, February 21, 2010


This has been a really tough week for me I have some health issues and they got the best of me for lack of a better term. Now I have to play catch up and try and feel better at the same time. The pain is unbearable and the insomnia is tiring, what am i gonna do? I have to fight so much harder for simple things people take for granted. I know im supposed to talk about what we did in class but Ive been so ill that I had to go to the Cancer Center for 6 bags of fluids and it still did not make me feel any better or energetic, I am going through a mini-crisis,so of course I missed class. I made it to class on thursday and we did conferences on our papers I was having some trouble with mine but Im not sure if its from the lack of sleep or if I just am confused. I dont Know. I go back for more fluids and medicine on Wednesday so hopefully I will get better soon. I checked my grade for my narrative essay and I was Surprised I didnt know that I was capable of that. It felt good. Writing has actually been a way for me to deal with my pain it takes my concentration off of it. So I started keeping a journal about my pain, school, and social health. Hopefully I can make it through the hospital throughout the semester. I really enjoy this class and miss the interaction with my classmates but as Kate pointed out Thursday when I showed up for class instead of getting better, I looked the way I felt. Well as for now Im unsure of when I am going to be able to get out of my bed so I guess its more Fight Club and 1984 for me!!!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010


I really enjoyed this week in class. We used compare and contrast to analyze an ad from the adbusters website. It really helped so I went on the website and found this one. What does this say to anyone? I dont really have much to say to about this week. I ve been tired and I am ready to talk about Tiger Woods. Well we just talked about the essay. many people thought that thed essay was difficult, but io thought the essay was interesting even though I had to research many of the examples. Now this add i got out of adbusters and although it has no words i felt it was an ad about our culture and so I would like to see what others think.... Please comment on this.... If it said "Got Milk?" would it change the ads message?

Friday, February 5, 2010

What a week!!

Wow! what a week in class we talked about our comparison and contrast essay, sounds simple enough but I dont know seems like im having trouble starting. Im doing my essay on budweiser and im just unsure of how to put my thoughts on paper. I probably should brianstorm. Anyway, I'm not really a "blogger" but who knows maybe itll grow on me. Im really excited to find new things like reading 1984 and watching Fight club i already rented the movie and rented the book. Extra Credit here I come. I need to get a grip on these blogs before they start to affect me so like the zombies of Old Navy I must conform to the way of the world (class), Or watch out for Big brother( Kate), because every one knows her wrath will turn it into a Brave New World.

Friday, January 29, 2010

trying to catch grip early

What a crappy week I have had. Sadly my everyday life is conflicting with my school life, it's killing me I'm trying to fight it. I wasn't able to make it to Thursday's class, really bums me out I know I'm going to feel extremely left behind this coming Tuesday. I have to get my $h*+ together. This peer review stuff is pretty cool, it helps a lot kinda makes me see things about my essay that I should change, not only after reading the comments but just after reading another paper. I've never had a teacher to do this type of exercise but I'm digging it so far. I'm going back home to Miami for the weekend hopefully I can get some head clearing and work done. Looking forward to class on Tuesday, I'm really hoping and trying to get back in my groove with all my school work. Keeping my head up for the best, see ya !

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Wow!!!!! Another week has gone by. Class is becoming a lot better for me, class has been such a struggle but is getting easier. Being three weeks into school now I think I am finally starting to learn a little bit. Every day so far we have done a discussion for most of the class period. I started out not knowing what they were about but now I am starting to roll with the flow. These past couple of days we have been discussing an article about a hunter and gatherer. It has been a interesting conversation so far because I can relate to the article because I love to hunt so much. It is pretty much about two people’s perspectives about hunting that has never been before. They went all into detail about how the outdoors is and their experience while they were in the woods using very specific detail about it. It is an article that people needs to read it is a great example of how a fantastic paper should be written.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Hey!!!! This is my first blog I have ever tried doing. It is a complicating thing to do but fun. When I came into class for the first time I didn’t know what to expect. Since I have been in there it has been different than any other class I have attended. So far I have done nothing but struggle, but as the days have gone by I have seen what the teacher expects from us . I finally learned how to check what we have to do for homework on compclass, it only took failing a couple quizzes and some missed homework assignments to figure it out. It’s finally starting to come together with everything I have to do. I think I will end up doing great in the class I have a very enthusiastic lively teacher that seems like she will do anything to help us get through the class.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

First Post

First blog post of the year. I'm really enjoying this class so far. Haven't always been the "school type" but big changes have risen since being in Santa Fe, I was a HUGE slacker all through high school but I'm actually buckling down and now I can actually say I ENJOY school. Shocker. Any-who. "Faceless on Facebook" wasn't the most interesting essay and i'm hoping they get better as we go along. I like the class discussions, the big emphasis on tone today was very helpful in understanding the readings. Kate Beals, in "Faceless on Facebook" seemed like an insecure nerd who was stressing a facebook page WAY to much, like it's really not that serious. "My Nike Media Adventure" was pretty interesting, I think the guy (Jonah Peretti) seemed a bit
to much like an activist but hey to each is own right.
I found how his e-mail actually made it all the way to the masses was pretty crazy. I've gotten plenty of chain messages but usually never send them out actually I never do eff that sh*t ;). I hope class continues to go smoothly I feel like I can get a lot done this semester. ... Go Canes !!!!